Get to know the human behind the business

Learn about how I started, my values, my approach and my brand story.

When I bid farewell to my full-time corporate gig in 2021, I never imagined I'd end up as a VA. My sights were set on a career as a therapeutic coach as I was fresh from a personal transformation and felt compelled to pay it forward, fostering healing in others. I underwent the training, launched into coaching, but despite my efforts, something didn't quite click.

I realised that although I didn't miss the hustle, I missed the sense of being part of a larger team. I craved more, knowing I had a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Drawing upon two decades of employment, I thought I would see how virtual assistance felt.

Starting with basic monthly retainers, I offered support across a spectrum of business needs. As time progressed, I found the work that I enjoyed doing and became clear on the people and businesses I wanted work with.

Today, my VA business thrives, owing much of its success to an amazing community of female entrepreneurs that I’ve been lucky enough to work with, and of course, my commitment to ethical business practices.

Little did I know, [Heather] would absolutely change my systems for better! I was closely guided through the whole process, and taught how to use the intuitive platform she'd built for me. She made sure it was simple but highly effective, and even had the time to build out a client portal template for me too, which I have had SO much good feedback on.

Bec Morris, Brand Consultant

I team up with folks who vibe with my business values and personality. If you think that’s a bit out there, then maybe we're not the perfect match.

I’m all about helping you shake things up in how you work - finding a groove that suits you, and that doesn’t work against you. So, let’s have a real talk about what’s working for you right now and what’s not.

Then, let’s figure out together how to make things run smoother.

Oh, and just so you know, I’ve got loads of experience working with Neurodivergent peeps and I’m totally cool with adjusting my usual style to fit your needs. I see you!

My aim? To help you squeeze more juice out of life.

I want you to soak in every moment as your kids grow up.

I want you to take a breather when you’re feeling drained.

I want to reignite that spark and joy you had when you started your own gig.

I want to help you tip the scales in favor of living your best life.

My Core Business Values



Authenticity is something that took me a while to find.  I spent so many years trying to be good enough, to fit in, to be better, to be other peoples idea of successful, and in doing so, I lost my sense of self.  I’m happy to say that I found my way back though. Totally accepting of my imperfect humanness.


I’m someone who will help you meet your deadline by analyzing your workload to help you prioritize, rather than encouraging long hours and pushing you to burnout. If you’re feeling resistance to some tasks, I’ll encourage you to take time to explore why. If you’re low on spoons, I’ll respect your boundaries and crack on with tasks, using my initiative.


It’s super important to have integrity, especially as a solopreneur / small business owner. The consistency between my words and actions matter to me. This is how I sleep soundly at night (well, if my cats allow it, that is 🙄). I work hard to earn your trust and never take that for granted.

It’s hard to whittle it down to three, so I’d be happy to discuss my values and also learn about you and your business values in a call. You can book here.

This block of *shapes illustrates the journey I want my clients to have. The shapes carry the main concept visually representing the transformation my clients make - from the rectangle (struggling to balance work and personal life) to a softer, rounded oval (feeling refreshed and at ease with my support).

*created by the talented Bec Morris who worked with me on my brand identity.